
Buddy playing with Foundation student on the playground.

Are you considering enrolling your child at RPS?

Choosing the most suited school for your child is one of the biggest decisions that you will make as a parent and a very important one at that.  Matching your child’s needs to what a school has to offer can make a substantial difference, so taking the time to get a feel for the school and what it has to offer is worth the time and effort.

Before deciding on a school for your child it is worth taking some time to think about what kind of school will best suit your child.  This will help you when are visiting different schools, especially during Open Days.

Some of the following points might help to clarify your thinking:

  • What feel do you get as you walk around the school – is it a positive and welcoming place?
  • The school’s focus on and beliefs around well-being and the child’s social and emotional development.
  • The teaching and learning approaches within the school
  • What specialist programs and  extra-curricular activities or programs are offered
  • The school’s expectations of all its community members and its guiding values

Whilst most schools provide a similar curriculum and in some instances similar approaches to things such as well-being, we at Rutherglen PS, just like other schools have our own unique culture. It’s what makes us who we are, what we do and what we believe in.  It’s important that all of our students and their families know that RPS believes everyone belongs and that you have a feel of being welcome in our school.

It is important that your child feels confident and happy to come to school every day and equally important that as a family you feel confident with the choice of school that has been made and are willing to support the vision, values and expectations of the school.

Please feel free to contact our school and make an appointment with our Principal for a tour and discussion about what our great school has to offer.  Tours can be conducted at any time throughout the year.

photo of a grade 6 student working with a Foundation student

General Enrolment Information

Rutherglen Primary School is proudly a government school within the town of Rutherglen. Our school welcomes enrolment enquiries consistent with the Department of Education’s Enrolment Guidance and Placement Policy.

Factsheet for Foundation Enrollment

Find My School

foundation students working with manipulatives

Enrolment Process

Enrolment Forms (for New and Existing Families/Siblings) are available electronically and included as a hard copy in the Information Pack you will receive when you take a tour of our school or through on of our local Kindergarten centres.

If you wish to enrol your child, please return or email to our Business Manager, Debby Renshaw at debby.renshaw@education.vic.gov.au by Friday 26th July 2024 your completed Enrolment Form, together with scanned or clear photographs of required documentation:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunisation Record
  • Child’s Passport (if child born overseas)
  • Signed School Consent Forms (provided in the Enrolment Pack)

Other relevant information to provide with your child’s enrolment –

  • Copies of any reports or information from previous school, or relevant outside agencies (e.g. family court orders or other orders involving enrolled children, allied health services – OT, Speech, Counselling or Paediatrician/Psychologist Reports)

Debby welcomes any additional questions, via phone, email or the enquiry form below.

I wish to enrol my child this year

If you wish to enrol your child at RPS throughout the year or are transferring from another school you are requested to contact the school or drop in and have a conversation with the school principal, Mrs Karryn Williams. Arrangements can then be made where practicable for an appointment and tour.  We are always happy for new students to partake in one or two orientation visits prior to commencing at our school if required.

If your child needs to commence immediately, we are usually able to accommodate this within a day of the enrolment form being lodged.  Where possible the school will aim to assist with uniform, stationery and other requirements needed to make this transition as easy as possible.

Transition timeline for Foundation

The transition to school begins with our Open Day late May.  Following this, all students from the Kindergarten and other pre-school settings attend a series of 3 orientation visits to school starting in late July and finishing early September.

Families choosing to enrol their child at Rutherglen Primary School for the following year are requested to have their enrolment submitted by the end of July.

The first of four transition days for students enrolled at RPS commences mid-November and runs for four weeks.  The first two of these days finishes at 11am, the third day at 12:45PM, and the concluding fourth day is a full school day finishing at 3:30pm.  Our transition program is a fantastic opportunity for our new Foundation students to build a connection with their teacher/s and other students, familiarise themselves with the school setting and, feel more confident when it comes time to start school.

Do you have any other questions about enrolment?

Whilst our aim is for this website to provide a broad range of information about our school, we also acknowledge it is not possible to answer all of your questions.  If there are matters you would like to discuss, please call or email the school and we will be only too happy to help you out.

Coming Events

For details of upcoming events please visit our Events Calendar.
Click here for more details

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